
Skagit Valley Tulip Festival




If you’ve lived in this region for a while, you’re probably in one of two camps when it comes to tulip festivals.
You either went to a tulip festival several years ago or you’ve been meaning to go for years.

I used to be in the ‘been-meaning-go’ camp until two weekends ago, when I decided to cross ‘visit a tulip farm in spring’ off my bucket list.

We missed the festival here in the Fraser Valley; the tulips bloomed early this season because of our unseasonably warm spring.
The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival runs for longer, every April 1 – 30, so we drove about an hour and the half south to Mount Vernon.


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We stopped at Roozengaarde, the biggest display garden on the tulip festival route.
We got lucky, it was an exceptionally sunny day with the clear skies and mountains making the perfect backdrop.

The tulips were breathtaking; vibrant stretching rows of red, purple, yellow and white flowers as far as the eyes can see, sweeping into the fields.

It’s quite an impressively beautiful and serene setting; the colourful expansive fields, the mountains, the cute Dutch-style barns and the kites flying on the adjacent field were all so picturesque – I must have taken a million photos.


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With the season ending, there were some empty sections, topped tulips (headless plants) and browning daffodils.
It wasn’t however very crowded, which was a relief because I’ve heard horror stories about traffic and parking during the festival.

We had a fun time explorng the Skagit Valley tulips, I think we’ll try and make the trip earlier on in the season next time, and early in the day, perhaps to catch the sun rising over the fields.

We skipped the highway and took Chuckanut Drive on our way back, we had lunch in Fairhaven before heading home; it was a rather scenic and enjoyable way to cap off a perfect day.




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  • Reply Bintu @ Recipes From A Pantry

    I have been meaning to go to a flower festival for ever. This looks gorgeous. I don’t know how you managed to leave.

    9 May, 2015 at 1:37 am
    • Reply Elsa | the whinery

      This was my first flower festival and it was awesome! I highly recommend them – the mini chefs would totally love them:-)

      11 May, 2015 at 11:47 am
  • Reply Katie @ Produce on Parade

    Wow!! That’s incredible. I would dance through those fields with childish, abundant joy!! Tulips are my favorite. Also, I looooove your hair! One day I’ll get a pixie cut. I love yours!

    15 May, 2015 at 5:41 pm
    • Reply Elsa | the whinery

      Ha! You should have seen me… I think abundant joy describes it. Thank you, and oh I can just imagine you with a pixie cut!:-)

      18 May, 2015 at 9:57 am

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