
Breakfast at the Heathman, Portland

Last spring we took a scenic 8 hour train ride from Vancouver to Portland for a long weekend getaway.
We stayed at the Heathman Hotel and had breakfast at the restaurant downstairs in the mornings.

See, long before all this Fifty Shades of Grey craze, I read a moving essay in an old travel magazine about the hotel that made me want to have brunch there badly.

The story was about deeply estranged family, a dying matriarch and the Sunday brunches at the historic hotel that eventually bring them together.

Maybe it’s due to my family dynamics but that article has stayed with me for over a decade; although it’ll be interesting to go back and read it now that I’m in a different place in my life.

Our breakfasts at the Heathman were memorable; the food was consistently delicious, the staff attentive and gracious, and the atmosphere warm and cosy.

We sat by large windows overlooking the street a couple of times, drank tea and lots of freshly squeezed juices, and watched the city go about their morning.
I couldn’t think of a better start to our day…

The menu is full of tasty hearty dishes prepared from fresh locally sourced ingredients, and the portions are quite generous.

We ate heartily, feasting on Belgian waffles, dreamy brioche-y French toast, crispy fried eggs, breakfast potatoes, and my favourite, the warm and filling multigrain porridge with raisins, toasted hazelnuts and soymilk – I love it when restaurants have good and thoughtful vegan/plant-based options.

We left the hotel each morning full, happy and ready to explore Portland.

The Heathman Restaurant and Bar
1001 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97205

P.S. The Heathman Hotel did not pay me to say nice things about them, but I won’t say no if they decided to sponsor my next stay.

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  • Reply Bintu @ Recipes From A Pantry

    I would visit if only to grab some of those Belgian waffles and the porridge.

    18 March, 2015 at 2:53 pm
    • Reply Elsa | the whinery

      I think that can be arranged! And yeah, they’re probably worth the visit!:-)

      18 March, 2015 at 4:49 pm
  • Reply grandbabycakes

    I sooo would love some of this breakfast right now!

    19 March, 2015 at 7:04 am
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