
Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

I’m not exactly sure how this happened, except I found myself clutching a sack of coconut flour at the checkout line at Costco a few months ago. I’d only gone there to get paper towels.

The cashier smirked when he scanned the flour and asked if I was doing the ‘paleo thing’. I smiled politely and later, on the ride home I mumbled something about stereotypes…

Unsure of how to use it, the coconut flour sat on my dining table for a little while; my mom would look at curiously from time to time, and after a while she stopped asking what it was for.

Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

Most of the coconut flour recipes I found online were cumbersome and involved a lot of eggs or egg-replacers.

Coconut flour is ground from dried coconut meat, the flour is dry and with a grainy texture, and has a sweet nutty taste that reminds me of corn nuts.

It’s a good source of protein; high in fibre and low in digestible carbs, it’s a suitable alternative to wheat and other grain flours. It’s also gluten free which makes it ideal for those with gluten intolerance.
And yes, it features in a lot of paleo recipes because it’s both gluten and grain free.

Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

The texture of coconut flour makes it a little difficult to substitute it 1:1 in recipes that call for traditional grain flours. Coconut flour is dryer and absorbs a lot more liquid; it’s also very dense.

Unfortunately, I haven’t had much luck baking with coconut flour, but coconut porridge is fast becoming one of my favourite breakfast meals. If you love warm and nourishing breakfast porridges like I do, you’ll absolutely love coconut flour porridge.

The idea came to me the when I’d sprinkle a spoonful of coconut flour over my cereal or granola – I love the nutty mildly sweet taste, I just knew it’ll be wonderful when prepared like hot cereal.

Back in the summer when fruits were juicy and plentiful, we tried coconut flour porridge for the first time, topping it with roasted apricots, fresh blueberries, cherry compote and a sprinkle of toasted coconut chips and coconut sugar.

Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

I loved how luscious that first porridge was, and how the tartness of the apricots, and the sweet cherries compliment the nutty flavour of the porridge.

We’ve made a dent in that big sack of coconut flour. I love how fast and easily this breakfast comes together; it’s wholesome and keeps you full longer, thanks to the fibre

This coconut flour porridge with matcha milk is delightful and equally luscious; it’s the perfect for transitioning into the lightness of spring. Plus, you can always have it for breakfast on St. Patrick’s Day!

It’s a nutritious bowl of creamy porridge, warm and fragrant with a delicate nutty taste.
Both coconut flour and matcha have earthy flavours that pair well, and the hints of bitterness in the matcha cuts into sweetness of the porridge.

Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

[Tweet ” Hungry? Try this delicious protein-packed coconut flour porridge with matcha milk #vegan #glutenfree “]

Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk
A warm and delicious protein-packed porridge that’ll keep you full all morning!
For Porridge
  1. 1/2 cup coconut flour
  2. 2 cups water
  3. 1 cup almond or coconut milk (or more or less based on desired porridge consistency)
  4. 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  5. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
For Matcha Milk
  1. 2 cups almond or coconut milk
  2. 1/2 – 1 teaspoon matcha green tea powder
  3. Maple syrup or agave syrup to taste
To make porridge
  1. In medium saucepan, mix coconut flour and sea salt with of water and mix until mixture is smooth and free of lumps
  2. Let it stand for 2 – 3 minutes for the coconut flour to sop up the water
  3. Add almond milk, stir and cook over medium heat stirring frequently until porridge thickens
  4. Lower heat, keep stirring and check the consistency of the porridge, add more milk if desired
  5. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract
To make matcha milk
  1. Heat milk just enough that it’s almost or barely boiling
  2. Pour 1/4 of milk into a heatproof cup
  3. Add matcha and whisk until the powder dissolves
  4. Add the remaining milk and continue whisking
  5. Sweeten with maple or agave syrup to taste
Assemble porridge
  1. Ladle porridge into bowls, pour matcha milk over top, stir and enjoy!
the Whinery by Elsa Brobbey
Coconut Flour Porridge with Matcha Milk

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  • Reply grandbabycakes

    I love how organic the idea came for this recipe. And it is sooo gorgeous!

    10 March, 2015 at 8:28 am
    • Reply Elsa | the whinery

      🙂 Thanks Jocelyn! I love it more when delicious meals come out of these ideas!

      11 March, 2015 at 11:15 am
  • Reply Bintu @ Recipes From A Pantry

    Breakfast at your house is such an exciting affair.

    12 March, 2015 at 12:39 am
    • Reply Elsa | the whinery

      Yeah B. we take the phrase ‘the most important meal of the day’ very seriously here! 🙂

      12 March, 2015 at 4:54 pm
  • Reply Lily Lau

    Love, I really love what you did here 🙂

    12 March, 2015 at 4:39 pm
  • Reply Neema

    I cannot wait to give this a try. Coconut and Matcha are some of my favorite flavors. May I ask where you got the flasks?

    22 March, 2015 at 8:17 pm
    • Reply Elsa | the whinery

      Hi Neema, I do hope you try it, you’ll definitely love it if you’re a matcha and coconut lover like me:)
      The glass is from Amazon (link)

      23 March, 2015 at 10:09 am
      • Reply Neema

        Thank you Elsa!!

        24 March, 2015 at 6:30 pm
        • Reply Elsa | the whinery

          You’re welcome! I see the link came up jumbled but you probably figured it out 🙂 I’ve fixed it.

          24 March, 2015 at 7:11 pm

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