It’s incredible looking back and thinking about it now, but I didn’t really start cooking for myself until quite recently.
I read a quote yesterday that made me chuckle; “Cooking is pretty easy if you can read and have taste budsâ€
It sounds simplistic but it’s a fairly true assessment.
I was lucky to have been surrounded by culinary geniuses who didn’t mind cooking for me, plus I ate out a lot.
And what I really meant by that last sentence is that my sister @adjoa loves to cook and really loves sharing her meals with me.
So for years cooking was something I didn’t have to do… until I discovered food blogs, and then I really wanted to.
And now, I have a better appreciation for @adjoa’s cooking, and it’s more fun because we can get together and try new recipes together.
She made these lentil tacos a while back for lunch one weekend; giving the old taco a vegetarian twist – protein rich lentils, generously seasoned with mustard, cumin and cardamom and topped with fresh chunky salsa. Tasty, easy and delicious.
It’s so so good!
Definitely made for sharing, the recipe can be found here.