
Roasted Mushrooms and Peppers

233/365 Roasted #mostly365

Someone said the days between Christmas and New Year’s are like one long Sunday.
Like most Sundays, I don’t want it to end; I’m catching up on all those things I’ve been putting off; I did the massive pile of laundry that’s been taunting me for the last two months.
I found a moment last night to watch ‘For Lovers Only’, a movie I’ve been meaning to watch since July!


I even played tourist and took the Aquabus to Granville Island.
I don’t remember the last time I went to Granville Island just for fun.
This time I walked around leisurely, idled in little shops, had superb coffee and spent a ton of time at the Children’s market wishing I could get every kid I know a toy from there.

I sang along to Les Champs-Élysées and it lifted my spirits in the way only singing out loud and carefree in public does.

I even stopped by the market to grab a few ingredients for dinner, I always do this when I’m at Granville Island; I find the freshest looking produce stall and let a vegetable jump out at me.

Roasted Veggies Flatbread

I spotted a variety of peppers… bell, poblano, banana, and jalapeño peppers.
And I saw lovely shiitake mushrooms, and I knew they were coming home with me to star in my famous roasted mushroom and peppers.
I’ve made several adaptations of this mushroom and roasted peppers because it’s so easy to make and it’s a hit every time.

Mushroom & Peppers Flatbread
Naan with roasted mushrooms, peppers and pesto

Roasted Mushrooms & Peppers
I usually don’t bother with measurements with this recipe; I just get enough vegetables for my baking pan.

  • Shiitake Mushrooms
  • Peppers (bell, poblano, banana,jalapeño)
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Olive oil
  • Ground cumin
  • Salt & Pepper


  1. Prep and cut the vegetables into even bite size chunks (I usually leave the mushrooms whole)
  2. Toss the vegetables with olive oil and add salt and pepper, mix well to coat.
  3. Spread out in a single layer onto a baking dish or pan
  4. Roast in an oven at 400° for about 15 – 25 minutes, until vegetables are tender and caramelized.
  5. Serve immediately and enjoy!


Dinner - Mushroom & Peppers Flatbread

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  • Reply Yardsailor43

    What did you spread on the Naan?

    31 December, 2011 at 7:10 am
    • Reply Elsa

      It’s pesto! 🙂

      31 December, 2011 at 12:51 pm

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