Today should have been a great day, and there’s still potential for redemption but there’s just too much going on right now.
My co-worker and desk-neighbour is quitting, today’s our last day together as workmates – I’m a little sad, because we’ve had some good times together, and I lived vicariously through her insanely adventurous streak.
I felt incredibly cool knowing a woman who backpacked the world alone.
And here comes more stressors;
I need to go by the bank after work, I have to pick up a package at the post office and pass by the dry-cleaners.
Then I have to pack, twist my hair, process pictures from last weekend’s picnic and hurry out for quick drinks.
Outfit Details: Jacket – Olive des Olive, Dress – Urban Outfitters, Tights – The Bay, Boots – Ash
I’m doing all this in high heel boots, because that’s how I roll.
Well, I guess I don’t have to wear the heels to pack but it’ll make it more dramatic.
Let’s hope tomorrow is much more relaxed and calm day
It feels like fall has arrived unceremoniously here, but let’s hope it’s still summer in other parts of the world.
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