
On Christmas Day In The Morning


Christmas morning seems so long ago.
I was determined to enjoy Christmas and the holidays this year.


Sometimes I wish I still believed in Santa. Oh wait, I never did.
Like my mom said to a little boy the other day, “Where we come from there’s no Santa!”
The boy looks let down, almost hurt; my mom continues with a smile as if to reassure him… “But Jesus Christ was born to save us all!”

Bow Pressies

Presents Snacks

I had big plans for Christmas morning; the plan was to rise early, make pancakes, and call loved ones in far off places.
I’d then get everyone together for the marathon presents-opening session.
Of course, I couldn’t do all that because I overslept.

Opening Presents

Fortunately we had ‘Christmas snacks’ so we no one starved.
The morning was almost over when we finally got together to open presents.
‘Santa’ was quite generous, I opened each present squealing, “Oh my God! This is the best Christmas EVER!”
My mom then reminded me that Christmas isn’t about presents and that it’s about “Jesus, who was born to save us all!”

That Morning Santa Came!

It was the perfect Christmas morning
Later on in the evening we got dolled up in our beautiful colourful bespoke African wax print outfits.
We went to Surrey to spend the rest of the day with some of our favourite people.
My dress was absolutely adorable, I’ll have to do a special post on it when (or if) the pictures get uploaded.
This was the best Christmas EVER!

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