
2009. The Year Everything Made Sense!

Caution: This post is very long and contains lots of pictures… think a year’s worth – I’m sorry?

Yaye over at Cos We African Women… wrote a lovely post about choosing happiness when she finally came to the realization that happiness is a decision.

2009 was a little like that for me too. I started the year out with a very simple resolution and a decision to be happy and true to myself.

This year, I laughed more, loved more, and appreciated the people in my life more and I loved my life.

I worried less about the things I couldn’t control and whenever I was given the choice, I chose happiness.

I celebrated the positive and learned to appreciate the not so positive, in all it was a good year.

Now, the year in pictures:


Mom getting blood

Georgia Street Blood

December just rolled into January for us as my mom continued her treatment for breast cancer.

A slight glitch, the chemo drugs made her anaemic so she had a blood transfusion.

To the hero who gave blood on Christmas Eve 2007, it went to my mom – thank you!



Canada Place & Buildings 8:18AM

February was a blur as the ‘cancer drama’ continued, my mom started Neupogen injections to help boost her white blood cells.

The drug costs a ridiculous $1971.63 for each round, she had four prescriptions over four months. Wow!

Some mornings I just sat at my desk at home instead of hurrying to work. I walked a lot.


BC Place & Downtown

els - 2010 village Josie and Larry

I loved March! It was spring, magical and beautiful.

Flowers bloomed, birds chirped, I went on longer walks and love was in the air.



els - Pacific Place Nanaimo

April was Baldwin House, Seattle & Nanaimo


Convention Centre

Commercial Drive Stationv Yaletown

May was exquisitely beautiful!


After Surgery

Sisters Untitled by Martha Sturdy Els

June was the mastectomy, it feels like years ago yet I remember it like it was yesterday.

I also got a new camera in June, went to a couple of festivals and picnics, made coconut milk ice cream and celebrated getting older.



Locs Pearls

July was a month with very tiring weekends.

We had Canada Day, fireworks, World Police & Fire Games, Caribbean Festival, African Peace Festival, Jazz Festival, Folk Music Festival and I’m sure I’m missing something.

There were lots of walks photographing nature and wildlife.

Paul for a replacement iPhone (Yes, that’s worth noting).

The days got longer and my mom’s hair started growing back.



The Clown Nautical Art

August snuck up on us, it was more beautiful sunny long days of festivals.

I spent an afternoon in Steveston and had a special outing to Queen E Park with my mom.


Musée des Beaux-arts

Florence Nightingale Way

La Parisienne The obligatory phone booth shot

For September I have two words; London & Paris


Cooking Walkers

Side Stock Market

October is such a odd month; the leaves turned, it got colder and I found myself being daring in the… kitchen

I made quince jam and marmite nuts.

With her treatments behind her, mom wore her pink t-shirt proudly as we walked the 5km in the Run for the Cure.


Rose Petals

Elsa's Story Books

November was more food, spent more time at home reading.

Immersed myself in the craft fair scene and acquired some creative pieces.



Thu 3 Dec - 3 Fall

In December Santa came, had a few outings.

Oh, and I spend the a chunk of time on the last day putting this post together – so I hope you enjoyed it.

Here’s to 2010! Here’s to joy and happiness. L’Chaim!

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  • Reply yaye

    Waouh..nice collage and seemed like you had overall a beautiful year with its shares of course of challenges..but a good year..wishing you a even more fab' 2010:)
    ps: u take beautiful pics:) and thank you for linking me:)

    1 January, 2010 at 12:17 pm
  • Reply elsbro

    Thank you Yaye, Happy New Year. I look forward to more of your inspiring posts in 2010.

    1 January, 2010 at 9:23 pm
  • Reply Elsa

    Thank you Yaye, Happy New Year. I look forward to more of your inspiring posts in 2010.

    2 January, 2010 at 2:23 am
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