
Curious Product: Lucca Thimble Cookies

Lucca Thimble BiscuitsI resisted trying these cookies until curiosity got the best of me. I had to understand them.

These are tiny bite size round shaped “cookies”. I use the term cookies in quotes because they don’t really taste like cookies.

I’ve been seeing an assortment of these “cookies” on store shelves lately; The Italian store has a variety that comes in an unlabeled plain plastic tub. I don’t know why but I always assumed they were some sort of almond treats.

I got the Lucca brand cookies at London Drugs, there were on sale so I figured it was a good time to try them. I got two kinds, apple cinnamon and lemon almond. They were both crunchy and light with just a little softness in the middle. Again, these don’t taste anything like cookies; each ball is coated in white sugary powder – sugar is the prominent taste.

Thimble cookies Lucca

I have this condition where too much sugar in my system makes me lightheaded, after five pieces of those balls I started feeling awful. I preferred the apple cinnamon over the lemon almond because the flavours seemed more natural. The lemon almond had a strange unnatural aftertaste.

I had a much pleasant experience when I tried it with tea – I brewed a strong cup of unsweetened black tea, and drank it with a few pieces of the cookies, it was quite complementary. I guess it’ll go well with coffee too.

It took me a while to finish the two cans, no one else liked them in my house; my mom said it tasted like “people with ample supplies of sugar and time on their hands”

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