
An Afternoon in Point Roberts

Summer took its time getting to us this year; but boy is she making her presence felt!

It’s been wet and crappy for so long that I feel a tad wishy-washy bemoaning the heat.

With summer comes exploration; I kicked off the season last weekend with a trip to Point Roberts.

It’s a small town in the US (WA State), but it’s only accessible  by land through Canada. Something to do with the 49th parallel, when they were divvying up the land.

I’ve always wanted to visit for its peculiar location; it’s about a thirty minute drive from downtown.

So there we were on a quite Tsawwassen Road, and then appears the border crossing.

Border Crossing PR Port of Entry

Lighthouse ParkThe town has great beaches, campgrounds and a calm relaxing atmosphere to it. It’s a nice and unique place to get away to. It reminds me of the Sunshine Coast.

The gas there is cheap (US prices) and the Canadian$ is accepted all over.

I wonder why people don’t just drive there to buy gas, we’re seriously contemplating it.

I’m not sure about groceries although a colleague who lives around there said that’s where she gets her milk. There’s one general store.

There’s also cheap liquor and the stores are open on Sundays – most Vancouver liquor stores are closed on Sundays.

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