
100 Things

Elsa Brobbey Elsa Brobbey

Hello and welcome! I created this space to share my culinary adventures in exploring plant-based foods.
I enjoy lingering in coffee shops, I dabble in photography and I’m a bit of a wanderlust; I adore discovering new places. 🙂 Contact: elsa[at]

100 things about me…

  1. I was born in Accra, Ghana at a military hospital.
  2. I was named after Elsa, the Lioness.
  3. If our lives had a soundtrack, mine would start with John Barry’s Born Free
  4. I lived in a home with no running water or electricity for the first seven years of my life
  5. I’ve been a vegetarian for over a decade, my diet is mostly plant-based
  6. I’m estranged from my father
  7. I went to boarding school for 7 years
  8. I’m the fourth of five siblings; I have three brothers and a sister
  9. I was born in the year of the dragon
  10. I’ve lived in Freetown, Sierra Leone
  11. I’m afraid of suburbia
  12. I’m left-handed
  13. I’m in love with Paris (the city); I want to live in Paris one day
  14. I think I could be a great writer if I tried
  15. I’ve lived in Montgomery Village, Maryland
  16. My parents finally divorced when I was twelve; I wasn’t sad
  17. I’m cautious of soy products, which is ironic since I’m a vegetarian
  18. I’ve lived in London, England
  19. My greatest fear is being buried alive
  20. I truly believe I’ll make a lousy parent
  21. My parents used to be devout followers of Sathya Sai Baba
  22. Before Vancouver, the longest I’d ever lived in one place at time was 5 years
  23. I never met my paternal grandmother even though she lived well into my adulthood
  24. I normally have these dreams where I’m always reluctantly preparing for a trip.
  25. I have a driver’s license but I hardly ever drive
  26. I had no friends when I was growing up, that hasn’t changed much.
  27. Religion scares me
  28. I’ve stayed in Copenhagen, Denmark briefly – a lonely time in my life
  29. I lived my teenage years with my dad and his new wife
  30. I love silence
  31. I live in a predominantly gay neighbourhood
  32. My father was a misguided hippie who thought we could live off the land
  33. We tried to live off the land and failed miserably for seven years
  34. My father got a job afterwards that allowed him to travel the world
  35. I was baptised in the Presbyterian church
  36. Although she died before I could really get to know her, my maternal grandmother is my hero
  37. I doubt I will ever have children or get married
  38. My mother is a breast cancer survivor
  39. I live in Vancouver, BC
  40. My mother worked 50 years for the same company
  41. I’ve ran three half marathons, I hope to run a marathon one day
  42. When I was ten I wanted to change my name to Lucinda
  43. My favourite book as a child was The Secret Garden
  44. I got expelled from my private prep school for tardiness
  45. I no longer believe that there is one true religion
  46. I’m a cancer
  47. I ‘ran away’ from home when I turned 21 and never looked back
  48. I used to judge my mother for some of the choices she made
  49. My ancestors journeyed from the northwest of the Niger River to settle in central Ghana.
  50. I am pro-choice
  51. I’m a gadget junkie
  52. I’ve never lived alone, except briefly in college
  53. I learned to crochet when I was eleven
  54. I have inexplicably small toe nails
  55. I don’t mind being alone
  56. I’ve never been hungover
  57. I have poor eyesight, I wear contacts and glasses
  58. I’m not afraid of death, I’m afraid of pain
  59. I had chicken pox when I was a teenager
  60. I live twenty minutes from the US border
  61. I make my own bagels, it’s pretty easy
  62. I was a Brownie who didn’t go on to be a Girl Guide/Scout
  63. My siblings and I once drove thirteen hours each way from Maryland to Indiana
  64. My other name is Nanayaa, a traditional name given to Akan girls born on Thursday
  65. I’ve been blogging since 2001, my first blog was on Diaryland
  66. I wore braces as an adult
  67. I was briefly a born-again Christian
  68. I consider myself a feminist
  69. I LOOOOVE Christmas!
  70. I’m a hopeless romantic
  71. I’ve never broken a bone or had surgery
  72. I still have my wisdom teeth, tonsils and appendix attached to me
  73. I have an unrealistic fear of underground parking lots
  74. I didn’t have seasonal allergies until I moved to Vancouver
  75. Although I’m not fully vegan, but I prefer to bake vegan
  76. I think I may have slight OCD
  77. I was once detained at the airport in Copenhagen, I don’t remember what for.
  78. I’m selfish and I’m ok with it
  79. I love running (the sport/activity) sometimes
  80. I am Canadian
  81. I love cleaning
  82. I’m almost 5’5”
  83. I write better than I speak
  84. I’m an introvert, I sometimes find it tiring to be around people I don’t know
  85. I use to love the rain until I moved to Vancouver
  86. I wish I could sing
  87. I’ve lived in six countries
  88. I’m sixteen years older than I think
  89. I don’t think I’m responsible enough to have pets
  90. I get restless if I stay at one place for a long time
  91. I don’t know what it’s like to be proud of my father, and that makes me sad
  92. My oldest brother is a pastor
  93. I’m on twitter
  94. My seventy-four year old traditional African mother supports same-sex marriage, and that makes me extremely proud
  95. I used to have panic attacks as a teenager that got misdiagnosed as asthma
  96. I can’t eat avocados anymore, I get a sudden bout of nausea whenever I try
  97. I’m easily distracted by shiny things
  98. My sister, a friend and I once spent the night in a car at a Walmart parking lot in Rehoboth Beach, DE
  99. I’m not into giving or receiving pain
  100. I feel that I was born in the wrong era, and perhaps I should have been born in the future
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  • Reply Courtney

    Wow! This is an amazing list – so interesting to read about you! Thanks for your about me page!

    10 March, 2015 at 10:48 pm
  • Reply Freedes

    Love this Elsa! Thanks so much for letting us know a bit more about you. I am an introvert too but oddly enough I “connect” more with people online (sometimes I find it delusional lol) and you are an excellent writer! 🙂

    28 March, 2015 at 12:39 pm
    • Reply Elsa | the whinery

      Awwww… thank you so much Freedes. I know exactly what you mean in regards to making friends online. I’m like that too, and you’re not delusional… I’ve become great friends with people I met online, I probably would have missed out on their wonderful friendship of we’d met the conventional way. 🙂

      28 March, 2015 at 6:04 pm

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